Vinyl Market: Jazz Edition

Sun 30 Mar

All Ages 10AM

Step into the groove: our fourth Vinyl Market is all about jazz. Dive into a fresh haul of over 3000 secondhand jazz records, dug up from the vaults of Music Without Frontiers.

RSVP here.

Murray Street entrance opens from 9am, with coffee + Bloody Mary's available from our Garden Bar, and breakfast butties from ANJU. The Market kicks off from 10am in Cathedral.

Music Without Frontiers brick + mortar is open from 10am–3pm too, with a 10% discount on all stock in store.

A rare chance to score jazz gems—collectables, deep cuts, and must-haves, all of which are hitting the crates for the first time. First in, best dressed.

Free entry, all ages, card and cash options.